Thursday 13 December 2012

Foundation in Natural Built & Environment

Project 1A

-This is a postcard the Penang road bridge
which links roads from Georgetown to Penang.
This bridge was once the longest bridge in the
South East Asia.

-This postcard is the Komtar Tower ,which is
the highest building in Penang.
Shopping complex and office units are
all in this tower.

-This is a postcard of  the old streets at Penang
with heritage buildings such as old restaurants
and shops.

-This is a postcard of a commuter travelling
up the hill of Bukit Bendera along
with the passengers.

Project 1B

-This is a poster of the Pisa Tower from Italy,
the famous tilted tower. This is a collage applied
poster, especially on the buildings, clouds and grass.

Project 2A

-Water supply system from system infrastructure.

 -This is a page with diagrams of the rural water process, descriptions and some photos.

-This is a page with diagrams of the suburban water process, descriptions and some photos.

-This is the page with diagrams of urban water process, descriptions and some photos.

-This is the page with graphs of annual freshwater withdrawals at rural,suburban and urban areas.

 - This is the page with graphs of percentage of urban and rural population with water access.

- This is the page with comparisons of water supply system between rural, suburban and urban areas.
Project 2b

- This is the front cover of my slide for water system in the system infrastructure topic.

 - This slide shows about the water system in rural areas, a few photos with descriptions were taken.

 - This slide shows about water system in suburban area, a few photos with descriptions were taken.

- This slide shows about water system in urban area, a few photos with descriptions were taken.

 - This slide shows about the comparisons of water system in all 3 areas, which are rural, suburban and urban area.

- This slide shows a graph regarding the percentage of urban and rural population which has water access in their area.

Sketch Journals

-This is a landscape sketch, a plain grass field from a distance perspective.

 - This is a sketch regarding of the timeline of houses built from the pass until present.

 - This is a sketch of a interior perspective, and the space occur in this building along with the pillars and ceilings.

- This is a sketch of space in this building, the large pillar and the ceiling makes the whole interior space bigger.

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